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Changing as soon as possible.

I am not Norwegian and I find so much struggle to stabilize a relationship pacient-doctor with him. He was the fastlege of all my family and we all were going together. I couldn’t talk to him because he does not look at you if you don’t speak norwegian. He spent all MY consultation speaking with my husband and didn’t wait for him translate it to me. Besides, I am not comfortable to do a gynecological exam with someone who doesn’t look at me at all. So, I asked for a indication for a gynecologist on the sykehus and he replied to me in a very rude way putting my culture and my feelings in a very bad position like I was despiting him because he is a man. I think if he gonna do this with non-Norwegians, it’s better if he don’t accept non-Norwegians as his pacient. I didn’t want to do the gyn exam with him because he is a man, I asked for someone because I didn’t feel ok with him and I didn’t wanted to change doctors because I think in all he other things he is good.