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Great doctor!

I am demanding when it comes to health. That’s a cultural thing in the country I come from 😅 I want to talk through details, challenge the fastlege as needed and even visit a private doctor for a second opinion without the fastlege being somehow offended.

Well, you can imagine that, with these expectations, it wouldn’t be easy to settle with a fastlege. I changed it two times last year they couldn’t suit my needs.

The silver lining is: I found an excellent doctor in my third attempt! That’s Line Sommerfeldt, at Sandvika Legesenter. She spends necessary time to listen to you, and doesn’t feel offended if I want to chat with other doctors and take a different course of action. So far, so good! I am happy to recommend her work. Ah - goes without saying, she’s great in communicating in English as well. ☺️