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The worst GP I ever had.

One of the reviews called "Choose another if you can!" here is very accurate.

I have exactly the same experience. Every time I visit I have a feeling he is rushing me, just to make the session within 15 mins. He is eager to hand over the card reader for payment and when I need more time to explain what I need or just to get a bit more clear advice, he offers me that I can pay for another 15 mins.

Usually after visiting him I just had to buy a plane ticket to my home country, pay full price at local clinic as I'm no longer health insured there and get the treatment I need done properly. Unfortunately during COVID times this is not an option.

Just an example:
I had a plantar wart on my foot. Even I as a non-medical person know that to treat it with liquid nitrogen you have to first cut off the thick layer of skin covering it, and then apply liquid nitrogen. Then you have to repeat this in several sessions until the wart is gone.

He just quickly dropped a tiny amount of liquid nitrogen on the thick skin covering the wart and called it a day. When I asked when I should return, he said its done and it will be fine, if not I can order new appointment.

Of course it wasn't fine. There was no improvement whatsoever as only the dead skin was frozen. It got to a point where I couldn't even walk properly because it was so painful. Since this wasn't my first bad experience I opted for DIY as travel these days isn't an option. Cut the skin myself, made a makeshift tourniquet to temporarily restrict blood flow to the toe, so I feel less pain and it won't bleed as much, took soldering iron and burned the wart. Wart never came back since then.

I could tell stories all day, but the bottom line is - stay away from this doctor if you can, unless you are eager to waste your money and eventually seek for treatment somewhere else anyways.